
Controller for user management.

GET api/users/me

Gets an user by his linked account username.


Controller for GtApi technicities management.

GET api/technicities

Gets the technicities list.

GET api/technicities/{id}

Gets an technicity by its identifier.


Controller for GtApi jobs management.

GET api/jobs

Gets the jobs list.

GET api/jobs/{id}

Gets an job by its identifier.


Controller for GtApi user operations management.

GET api/users/me/useroperations

Gets the user operations list. Retrieves user operations and operations of all users belonging to the same group.

GET api/users/me/odata/useroperations

Gets the user operations list. Retrieves user operations and operations of all users belonging to the same group.

GET api/users/me/useroperations/{id}

Gets an user operation by its identifier.

GET api/users/me/useroperationsfile

Gets excel file with user operations list. Retrieves user operations.

POST api/users/me/useroperationsfromfile

Create user operations contained in excel file.

POST api/users/me/useroperations

Create an user operation.

PUT api/users/me/useroperations/{id}

Edits an existent user operation.

DELETE api/users/me/useroperations/{id}

Delete an user operation by its identifier.


Controller for GtApi user management.

GET api/accounts/{id}

Gets an account by its identifier.

GET api/accounts/{userName}

Gets an account by its UserName.

DELETE api/accounts/{id}

Delete an account by its identifier.

DELETE api/accounts/{userName}

Delete an account by its UserName.

POST api/accounts/login

Associate a login with an account.

GET api/Accounts

Gets the accounts list.

POST api/Accounts

Creates an account.


Controller for GtApi client operations management.

POST api/clientoperations

Create a client operation.

POST api/profiles/{profileId}/operations

Create a profile operation.

PUT api/clientoperations/{id}

Edits an existent client operation.

PUT api/profiles/{profileId}/operations/{clientOperationId}?isAutomatic={isAutomatic}

Edits an existent profile operation.

GET api/clientoperations/{id}

Gets a client operation by its identifier.

GET api/clients/{clientId}/operations

Gets the client operations list. Retrieves client operations of the client.

GET api/odata/profiles/{profileId}/clientoperations

Gets the client operations list of a profile.

DELETE api/clientoperations/{id}

Delete an client operation by its identifier.

DELETE api/profiles/{profileId}/operations/{clientOperationId}

Deletes an existent profile operation.

GET api/clients/{clientId}/profileoperations

Gets profile operations of the client.


Controller for operations with BMS format files of CIECA. BMS is an acronym for Business Message Suite. CIECA is an acronym for Colision Industry Electronic Commerce Association. The BMS is CIECA's comprehensive set of electronic communication standards for the Collision Industry.

POST api/reports/bms/comparation

Compare two files in BMS format sended with POST and return json format with the comparation result. Content type of the request body, must be set to multipart/form-data, indicating also the characters that formed the border of the parties with the field boundary.

POST api/reports/bms/comparation/xml

Compare two files in BMS format sended with POST and return xml format with the comparation result. Content type of the request body, must be set to multipart/form-data, indicating also the characters that formed the border of the parties with the field boundary.

POST api/reports/comparation

Compare two files in estimate XML format.

POST api/reports/comparation/xml

Compare two files in XML format sended with POST and return xml format with the comparation result. Content type of the request body, must be set to multipart/form-data, indicating also the characters that formed the border of the parties with the field boundary.


Controller for GtApi actions management.

GET api/actions

Gets the actions list.

GET api/actions/{id}

Gets an action by its identifier.


Controls request vehicle representation about.

GET api/models/{modelCode}/zones/{zone}/vehiclerepresentation?jobType={jobType}&equipments={equipments}&manufacturingValues={manufacturingValues}&language={language}&modelId={modelId}

Get a list of images necessary for the graphical representation of a vehicle. The result will be a list of svg images necessary for graphical representation of a vehicle, as well as a number of properties needed for its location within a possible graphic container. Aditional include information: Positioning data x, y and z needed to locate the part within a graphic container. Scaling and rotation for each of the images as well as a field positioning "order" to indicate the order in the z axis of a graphic container. An image with greater stack order is always in front of an image with a lower stack order.. Each of the images may be associated with one or more pieces, indicating for each of them a description in the language as a parameter sent or the user authenticate language if the parameter is not supplied.

GET api/models/{modelCode}/navigationboards?equipment={equipment}&language={language}&modelId={modelId}

Gets the navigation board for a model code (UMC) and equipment. The result will be a json object with a navigation board identifier, swiffy object with the board navigation image information and the functional groups of the navigation board. If the board navigation for the indicated equipment is not found, or not equipment has been specified, the default board for that model will be returned, returning null value if there is no default board for the model.

GET api/vehiclerepresentation/js

Get javascript script bundle file for vehicle representation.

GET api/VehicleRepresentation?modelCode={modelCode}&countryId={countryId}&language={language}

Gets the vehicle representation for buyback groups.

Controls request navigation board about.

GET api/navigationboards/{navigationBoardId}

Gets a navigation board.

GET api/navigationboards-images/{imageId}

Gets a PNG image related with the SVG image of a navigation board.

GET api/navigationboard/js

Get javascript script bundle file for navigation board.


Controls request vehicle equipment about.

GET api/VehicleEquipment?countryId={countryId}&modelCode={modelCode}&language={language}&includeEquipmentIncompatibilities={includeEquipmentIncompatibilities}

Return the vehicle equipment (TIM).